Все выставки
"Power", Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2006
"KateMe or HateMe", Center of the Modern art, Moscow, 2007
"JL" personal exhibition, Stella Art Gallery, Moscow, 2006
Заявление художника
The Environment
Chinese horoscope
Actual Art
Cursor Adventures
The Stones
The Book
Fairy Tale Modern
Rorschach Cards
The 12 seconds from Christ’s life
Flight of Beauty
NFT SuperCats
Digital collages
NFT Chart’s Life
Magic Pills
Strike a Pose
Glossy Attraction
Mouline Rouge
Exhibition at Galerie des Lyons, Paris (France)
Exhibition at Galerie des Lyons, Cannes (France)
#SENSE_SEARCH Ekaterina Cultural Foundation
Art project for Axenoff Jewellery Black Ball, FABERGE museum, St. Petersburg, 2019
Special project for Axenoff Jewellery, hotel Kempinski, St. Petersburg, 2019
Artmonte-carlo 2019, Grimaldi Forum, special project for Private Bank Barclays
BSL Art project for BSL, Metropole hotel, Monaco, 2019
Seoul Art Plastic participation with Boccara Art Gallery, 2019
"Winter exhibition", "SamhАrt Gallery", Gstaad, 2018
"Small exhibition", BOCCARA art gallery, Yacht Club Monaco, Monaco, 2019
"Top Marques 2018", personal exhibition and official meeting with Prince Albert, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
"POP up exhibition", "SamhАrt Gallery", President Wilson, Geneva, 2018
"Flight of Beauty", personal exhibition, Aldo Copola, Monaco, 2018
"ART SHANGHAI 2018", BOCCARA art gallery, Shanghai
"Affordable Art Fair 18", A.P.T. Gallery, personal exhibition, Hong Kong
"NY city", gallery Art&Emotion, Lausanne, 2017
"TOP MARQUES 2017", personal exhibition and official meeting with Prince Albert, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
"12 June, Day independent of Russia", personal exhibition, Yacht Club Monaco, Monaco, 2017
"Affordable Art Fair 17", A.P.T. Gallery, personal exhibition, Hong Kong
"Xcontemprorary Miami", Boccarat art gallery, Miami, 2016
"Private Exhibition Sea view Rooftop Terrace", personal exhibition, Socete Generale Private Banking, Monaco, 2016
"La symphonie des Fleurs", Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, Cap Ferrat, 2016
"ArtMonaco16", with press MONACO magazine, Monaco
"Project Sky Dreams", GUM, Moscow, 2015
"Pieces Art", personal exhibition, Societe General Private Banking, Monaco, 2015
"Exhibition of Andrey Bartenev", MMOMA, Moscow, 2015
"FABERGE", personal exhibition, Continental Art gallery, Cap Ferrat, 2015
"Art Monaco 15", personal exhibition, Grimaldi forum, Monaco
"Small Cat", Arternativelight 15, Monaco
"NY and American city's", gallery Art&Emotion, Lausanne
"Collage of desires", personal exhibition, art-place A'trego, Cap D'Ail, 2014
"Art Monaco 14", personal exhibition, Grimaldi forum, Monaco
"Glossy Attraction", personal exhibition, Art&Emotion gallery, Lausanne, 2014
"Favorit", personal exhibition, Beau-Rivage palace, Lausanne, 2013
"Collection City’s", personal exhibition, Nest gallery, Geneva, 2013
"Sense, spirit and body", personal exhibition, RuArts gallery, Moscow
"New Sensation – Collages", personal exhibition, Nest gallery, Geneva, 2012
"Pieces Art", personal exhibition, "Aist", Moscow, 2012
"Private expo for Vincent Perez", RuArts gallery, Moscow, 2012
"Workshop 20’12 - Rejected Reality", Artplay, Moscow
"Glossy Attraction", personal exhibition, World Сlass, Moscow, 2011
"Pieces Art", personal exhibition, the Castle design, Geneva, 2011
"Summer exhibition", Prichal, Moscow, 2011
"Space", Art Haus, Moscow, 2011
"Cats", Mimesis gallery, Geneva, 2011
"Cosmotheca", personal exhibition, Art Kvartal (Winzavod), Moscow, 2011
"Coffee" project for cafe BULKA, Moscow, 2010
"Mythical artefacts", personal exhibition, Moscow Museum of the Modern Art, the second Moscow International Biennial of Young Art "Stand! Who Goes?", Moscow, 2010
"In Memoriam", RuArts gallery, Moscow, 2010
"Duel", RuArts gallery, Moscow, 2010
"Pulse New York", art market, New York, 2009
"Free Wi-Fi", gallery Zurab, the third festival of Russian illustrators, Moscow, 2009
"Backstage", RuArts, Moscow, 2009
"Citys", personal exhibition , Moscow Museum of the Modern art ("Migration" project), The first Moscow International Biennial of Young Art "Stand! Who Goes?", Moscow, 2008
"Flight of Вeauty", gallery "Zurab", for project "Souvenirs of UFO", The first Moscow International Biennial of Young Art, "Stand! Who Goes? ", Moscow, 2008
"Institute of the Smile", festival of Russian illustrators, Moscow, 2008
"Art-Mazda", personal exhibition, Salon Mazda, Moscow, 2008
"ZOO", gallery Arterium, Moscow, 2008
"My Icon", cafe Gallery, Moscow, 2008
"Paul Smith", cafe Gallery, Moscow, 2008
"Strike a pose", personal exhibition, Prado cafe, Moscow, 2007
"Love couture", Zurab gallery, Moscow, 2007
"KateMe or HateMe", Center of the Modern art, Moscow, 2007
"Power", Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2006
"JL" personal exhibition, Stella Art Gallery, Moscow, 2006
"Memory", Moscow Museum of the Modern Art, debut project of collages, theme "Reconstruction", Moscow, 2005
"Optimum Art Project", personal exhibition, Marika, Moscow, 2005
«Rewild the Planet» 2023, представленный Фондом принца Альберта II. ArtLot Дарьи Усовой был продан известным аукционистом Симоном де Пюри за 50 000 евро
Участие в аукционе ARTCURIAL для организации AMREF "Летающие доктора", Яхт-клуб, Монако, 2018
Участие в Благотворительном вечере, посвященном Белле Ахмадулиной, Яхт-клуб, Монако, 2017
Участие в благотворительном аукционе "Измени одну жизнь", Монако, 2017
Проект "Лыжи мечты" ГУМ, Москва, 2015
Благотворительный вечер "Друзья Левана" в рамках Арт Монако, Отель Де Пари, Монако, 2014